Tell us about yourself
I’m a rapper by the name of Shahlon I’m from PG county Maryland My born name is Jalon Stancil my childhood was kinda a mixed bag it was cool in the early years but I wasn’t quite the same after my parents separation and my family becoming divided overall after my Grandmothers death from an early age I noticed I had a gift a never give up type energy an an obsession to get things done

when you started your musical journey
I started getting into rap when I was in high school. I used to write books full of rhymes for like two years straight until I started recording songs at a friends house when I was a junior in high school and we made two mixtapes after that I faced many setbacks financially and personally their was some dark moments where I thought music may be a thing of the past but I got back on track got my focus right and my funds up I started working with a producer by the name of Dilly Blud and Blud Money Music and we started making music and we’ve made 8 projects in 3 years
how can people connect with you?
People can connect with me through my Instagram