What`s your born name?
My born is Eric Velez better known as Emac Money.
What`s your journey?
I was born in Brooklyn , NY . at 4 years old his family would relocate to North Miami Beach, Fl where his music would begin, Raised by a single mother and hailing from a poverty stricken family then would often move house to house ,until eventually landing in highlands county , FL. It is here he found his first successes in the RAP game becoming the most well known artist in the region.
When you record your first music?
In 2014 inking a deal with universal music group , where he would record his first nationally acclaimed record “Booty Talk” with young money artist Tyga. The rise to the top would be short lived as he would be plagued by legal troubles and incarcerated in 2016.
What`s the difficulties you face ?
Making a promise to himself and his son that once free he would never again fall victim to the system . He geared up for his date in September of 2020. When the chains would be lifted and he would finally be free again. Staying to the promise Emac would form a new label Lit4ever music cartel , come with the fresh unique style and image , birthing the persona “Big Lit” the “LitGoD” and began to reignite the spark he had from 2014.

What`s the Achievements after comeback?
The most well-known offering from the LitGoD , “My Time” , peaked at number 12 on the iTunes charts and currently has over 25000 Spotify streams with the very unique sound that blends new age trap with the clever lyrics and metaphors of the golden age . 90`s hip hop all over darker lo-Fi beats , he is catching fire and impressively carving a lane for a whole new genre of music being called “Dark Trap”.
Growing more and more by the day it`s only a matter of time before he breaks thru the industry and solidified his status among some rap games newest most promising stars available for performances and will travel anywhere…
How can people contact with you?
People can contact with me emacfeatures@gmail.com.
And contact me on my Instagram: https://instagram.com/emacmoney?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=