The Artistic Journey of Evaldas Gulbinas: From Castles to Tattoos

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Evaldas Gulbinas, a Lithuanian-born artist, has been captivated by the world of art from an early age. His journey began at the age of 6, when he started drawing castles, a passion that set him apart from other children who spent their days playing outside. Instead, Evaldas found solace in sketching, his creative mind diving deep into the intricate details of his drawings.

This early love for art led him to attend Kedainiai Art School in Lithuania, where he honed his skills. His artistic development continued at the prestigious M.K. Ciurlionis National School of Art in Vilnius, Lithuania, solidifying his commitment to the creative arts.

A Life-Changing Move to London and the Discovery of Tattooing

Evaldas’s life took a transformative turn when he moved to London, United Kingdom. Already an avid skateboarder, he fell in love with the vibrant urban culture and the rich presence of street art that defined the city’s landscape. Unfortunately, his passion for skateboarding was cut short due to a knee ligament injury that made it too dangerous to continue. However, this setback opened the door to a new creative outlet—tattooing.

Tattooing, for Evaldas, was the perfect blend of fine art and street art, a fusion that reminded him of his days skateboarding and exploring urban landscapes. He soon embarked on tattoo apprenticeships, eventually becoming a professional tattoo artist. His unique style quickly garnered attention as he began working in various studios throughout London, combining the precision of fine art with the raw energy of street art.

The Academic Path: Fine Art Meets Tattooing

While tattooing became his primary profession, Evaldas was not content with stopping there. He pursued academic studies in art, enrolling in a Foundation in Art and Design at West Thames College in London. It was during this period that he fell in love with the academic side of art, studying life drawing, sculpture, mixed media, and multimedia.

His passion for learning and creating led him to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art – Mixed Media at the University of Westminster. The freedom he found at university allowed him to explore his artistic identity, and he began participating in numerous art exhibitions. His hard work and dedication to both tattooing and his academic pursuits left him with little time off, but the satisfaction of unlocking new creative avenues made the effort worthwhile.

After graduating, Evaldas continued his academic journey, pursuing a Master’s degree in Fine Art at the University of the Arts London. During this time, he made lifelong friendships and took part in even more art exhibitions, all while continuing to tattoo. This period was marked by a deep conceptual exploration of art, which only enriched his tattooing work.

Returning to Lithuania: A New Chapter in Vilnius

After completing his studies in London, Evaldas returned to Vilnius, Lithuania, where he entered a more relaxed phase of his life. Here, he continues to create art and tattoos, often traveling for inspiration. For Evaldas, staying busy is essential to keep his mind sharp and his creativity flowing. Whether through tattooing or producing art for exhibitions, his work brings him happiness and fulfillment.

A Life Dedicated to Art

Evaldas Gulbinas’s journey from sketching castles to becoming a professional tattoo artist and fine artist is a testament to his passion and resilience. His ability to blend fine art, street art, and tattooing has created a unique artistic style that continues to evolve. Evaldas’s dedication to his craft, whether in the studio or the gallery, keeps him alive and inspired, proving that art, in all its forms, is a lifelong journey.