How To Make Money In Real Estate A Story Of Anthony Joseph AJ

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Do Not Blame The Market:

All of my experience in this past 6 years I keep meeting agents they are all blaming the market , they are all blaming the leads , they are all blaming the company but no one but themselves so you spend few hours of your day scrolling on instagram , scrolling on facebook seeing how other are living and feeling sorry for yourself why we do not have the same lifestyle

When I Started:

When I Started I wish there was someone to give me the knowledge that time social media was not so big as today there is no magic formula that will lead you to overnight success . Its enough you must break the chain of society working 9 to 5 is miserable its boring it will lead you nowhere.

Become Your Own Boss:

Become your own boss have any vacation that you want. You will make money more than surgeon , doctors and architect. Everyone will wonder is this guy making legal money . Now think how big this industry is .

Predict The Market:

Experts knowing what happened 5 years before what is happening right now .You can predict with your knowledge how the market is gonna be going forward you need to learn how to make network, you need to learn how to make money work for you instead you working for money .

Discover The Beast In You:

You need to discover the beast in you . The best part of this job that you can work wherever you want. You can do it from office , you can do it from home , you can do it from hotel . Its all up to you . You are your own business all what matter is to handle the leads properly and then convert it to a meeting and the meeting will lead you to a safe house .