What`s your born name?
My born name is Nate Martinez. “St. Louis MO” .
How you started music ? Who is your inspiration ?
I started in Saint Louis 5 years ago. My style is upbeat motivation. My most successful track is buck50 on my YouTube 42k . I’m inspired by artist like tyme cashious king. I am an up and coming rapper fully independent do all my own promotion and record my own songs.
How has music journey been? & What`s the other business you do beside Music?
I am a HipHop artist , Creator producer and writer , I am CEO of multiple businesses and produces my own music and videos , I have accumulated over 200K views on Youtube and 115K followers on Instagram . My music is very high energy and give you a positive vibe. From St.Louis I am the backbone of the underground scene soon to be known world wide .

What are yours up-coming projects?
I have over 2400 listeners on Spotify and I have amassed 80K streams independently . I am working on a second studio album and will be dropping my “Sophomore” album trench baby soon on all platforms . I am always true in my band as well as N8 Lou. With my success I hope to brings hope and inspirataion to the youth from the inner city.
How can people connect with you?
People can connect with me through my Instagram:https://instagram.com/n8lou?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=