About Ab syte,
Resiliency, Consistency & Passion are the marks of a true artist. The ability to withstand the ups & downs of the music business while writing, arranging & composing great music, is a feat in itself. But to also hold down a different fort, capture a different moment shining as a mother, professional & business owner – takes the accomplishment of lyrical skill to a whole other level. Born on the south side of Chicago, Absyte has lived a full life.
music journey of Ab syte,
Understanding her humble beginnings in the hood, struggling to make ends meet to eventually raising a beautiful daughter, owning a successful consulting/publsuhing business while creating timeless music – Absyte has gifts to give in her music on life, achievement, failure and the ultimate triumph. Fans of classic hip hop vibe with the modern yet retro vision should enjoy her energy and the performance level Absyte puts forth as many have already enjoyed her style on stage. Guided by her love of God, life and the tenacity of spirit to create, Absyte has dug deep and produced a well rounded body of work surely that will move the crowd but inspire the masses.

what her music is all about?
Her music is an artistic fusion of Hip Hop, Hardcore Rap, RNB (Both standard and evolved as sub genres of (Soul, NeoSoul, etc.) plus added accents of Rock, Trap, & Old Skool rap) classic vintage feels with unexpected mix of instrumentation, vocal stylistics that balance between dominant emcee driven barz & along with soft touches of song bird like melodies. There are songs that speak of life, death, pain and joy… no subject is off limits.
how can people connect with her,
People can connect with him through her Instagram https://instagram.com/junovxrse?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Apple music: https://music.apple.com/us/music-video/truth-seeker-feat-da-grynch/1543736588
Youtube: https://youtu.be/D7oSLq6ONq8