“ThekidGhost” Is One To Watch For! The Young Hustler Talks About life And New Music”

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about TheKidGhost:

Rapper/Hip-Hop artist out of California. Cali has been the home to many emerging new artists. The west coast sound is only advancing through the digital age. One of which is TheKidGhost the lyrical hip-hop artist. Ghost displays excellent penmanship by creating captivating stories through his music that portrays a conscious yet positive message.

journey of TheKidGhost:

TheKid grew up in Dallas, Texas but moved to California by the age of 20 to pursue a new chapter in life pursuing his dream as a professional rap artist. Ghost often reflects on his past experiences to help others cope with music. Through his journey, Ghost has set the mood for listeners around the world by writing a lyrical canvas that other can relate too.

what is his inspiration:

My inspiration is my Son Sipriano and wife Miranda, they are the fuel to my fire and the reason why I wake up and grind so hard.

His accomplishment things for near future

My company is “Inspire Through Music Group” x Clothing brand is “ Eripson” which means inspire through action. We rebranded the brand so we are excited to show everybody the masterpiece we’ve been working on.

TheKidGhost latest music:

He just released the first single in almost half a year “Ain’t No Way”, it’s the first song off it`s album. He rebranded the brand so we are excited to show everybody the masterpiece they have been working on.

How can people connect with him?

people can connect with him through his Instagram accounthttps://instagram.com/thekidghost?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=